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Partner Details
TeC Rep

TecRep Corporation was launched in 1989 in the Missouri/ Kansas region and built from the ground up to become one of the Midwest’s leading Manufacturer’s Representative firms for test equipment and instrumentation. Now headquartered in the Chicago area and serving nine Midwestern states, TecRep’s mission is to provide a superior level of representation for our manufacturers in an ethical, reliable, and professional manner. We strive to add value to our customers through knowledgeable application assistance.
Spécialisation du produit
EA-BT 20000 Battery Testers, EA Elektro-Automatik 10000 Series Programmable Power Supplies, EA Elektro-Automatik 10000 Series Bidirectional Power Supplies, EA Elektro-Automatik 10000 Series Regenerative Electronic Loads, EA Elektro-Automatik Autoranging Bench Power Supplies, EA Elektro-Automatik Bench Electronic Loads
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- Téléphone:630-627-9110
Pays de commercialisation
United States
Localisation des centres
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